Mobile Care Dentistry is a service that will give you peace of mind, convenience, and save you time and money. We take pride in serving our patients. Most of our patients are residents at senior care homes, nursing homes, and bed bound patients. However, our services have no limits. We have provided service to famous celebrities, social functions, corporate events, and even family homes at your own convenience.
Dental technology has turned smaller, smarter, and faster. We provide the most up-to-date technology and materials for treating your smile.
We take pride in having your family and friends trust us in your own home. You trust us, and have given us a chance to care for your loved ones.
These patients are not just patients, they are grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers, fathers, and ordinary people that just need a dentist to accommodate their busy schedule and lifestyle.

We will never overcharge, and never over diagnose. Our approach is to be as conservative as possible in our treatment so you can have peace of mind that you are taken care of and not taken advantage of. You have put your trust in us, and that is important to us.

Cost varies based on what type of procedures and treatment that is required. We will also bill your insurance to maximize your savings. Typically, our prices are very competitive and we work with each individual to get the best care at the lowest cost. Cost varies based on what type of procedures and treatment that is required.
Most dental insurances such as a PPO or Medical are accepted. We do not accept HMO insurance. Our non-insurance pricing is very competitive as we try to keep our cost low to help our patients.
We provide all aspects of general dentistry.
- Comprehensive exam
- Full mouth x-rays (FDA approved)
- Simple Cleanings
- Deep cleanings
- Crowns (caps)
- Bridges
- Fillings (white fillings only at no extra charge, no silver fillings!)
- Extractions
- Dentures, partials, flippers (full service)
We also provide implant specialist that can either see you at home or at your office.
Mobile Care Dentistry provides a full-service dentistry. If you are required to see a specialist, such as an endodontist (root canal), oral surgeon (wisdom teeth), and or implant specialist, we will arrange and provide transportation to our satellite offices in Orange County. Our doctors work at these offices so you will see their faces again!
Teeth whitening is provided. We will take customized impressions of your teeth and create a unique whitening trays that are designed for your teeth. This ensures the best color change for your teeth, even with those hard to get spots.
How do I setup Mobile Care Dentistry at our senior center or company or residential home?
We will accommodate each appointment individually depending on your availability. Rest assured, we will have fully trained dedicated team focused on you so you don’t have wait and will accommodate your schedule at your convenience.